Resources and amenities
Stigler is a prime Oklahoma and Kiamichi Country attraction, and Stigler tourism and business are booming.
Stigler has its own blue water lake, Lake John Wells. It is a popular lake for fishing, swimming and boating. Two other lakes are nearby. Lake Eufaula, one of the largest lakes in the U.S., lies less than 20 miles to the west, while Robert S. Kerr Lake is just a few miles east of Stigler.
The City of Stigler and Stigler-Haskell County Chamber of Commerce host great community events each year - including an Easter Egg Hunt. Cruise Night, Reunion Days, Stigler Car Show and Chili Cook-Off, the Christmas parade and the Shop Stigler Campaign.
Stigler also has a state-of-the-art sports complex, and teams and participants travel from miles around to participate in tournaments.
Competitors from around the state travel to Stigler each year to compete in rodeos at the arena.
Stigler and Haskell County appreciate the sacrifices made by the men and women in the military. Memorial Square on the front lawn of the county courthouse features monuments with the names of those who paid the ultimate sacrifice. The community also expresses appreciation and thanks during community events which are conducted each Memorial Day and Veterans Day.
Stigler opens its arms to craftsmen and artists of all kinds. The Chamber of Commerce office on Main Street doubles as an art gallery, with a different local artist displaying his or her work every month, from paintings to collages and more. Haskell County is also home to a wide array of talented musicians, many of whom gather for various circle jams and picking events, singing and playing a wide variety of music.
We look forward to seeing you in Stigler -“The Land Between Two Lakes!”